

香港星際數字技術有限公司 - 美國納斯達克上市計畫書


Hong Kong Stellar Digital Technology Limited


一、公司概要 / Company Overview

Hong Kong Stellar Digital Technology Limited 成立於2022年12月12日,專注於人工智能(AI)、互聯網技術及 Web3.0 技術的研發與服務。公司由一群充滿夢想的香港大學生共同創立,旨在透過科技提升人類發展效率,助力香港成為國際數字中心之都。其口號為:「Make HK Great Again」。

Hong Kong Stellar Digital Technology Limited was founded on December 12, 2022, with a focus on research and development of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet technology, and Web3.0 technologies. The company was founded by a group of dream-driven university students in Hong Kong, aiming to enhance human development efficiency through technology and help Hong Kong become the global digital hub. Its slogan: "Make HK Great Again."

二、市場分析 / Market Analysis

隨著全球數字化進程的加速,AI和 Web3.0 技術正成為各行各業發展的核心驅動力。香港作為國際金融中心,擁有優越的地理位置和政策環境,為數字科技企業提供了廣闊的發展空間。Stellar Digital Technology Limited 憑藉其創新的技術和解決方案,已在市場中占據一席之地。

With the accelerated pace of global digitalization, AI and Web3.0 technologies have become the core driving forces for the development of various industries. Hong Kong, as an international financial center, offers favorable geographical and policy advantages, providing digital tech companies with vast opportunities for growth. Stellar Digital Technology Limited, with its innovative technology and solutions, has established a strong position in the market.

三、業務模式/ Business Model


人工智能解決方案:為企業提供定制化的 AI 應用,提升運營效率和決策能力。

Web3.0 技術服務:開發去中心化應用(DApp),推動區塊鏈技術在各行業的應用。


The company’s main business includes:

AI Solutions: Providing customized AI applications to enhance operational efficiency and decision-making capabilities for enterprises.

Web3.0 Technology Services: Developing decentralized applications (DApps) to promote the application of blockchain technology across industries.

Internet Technology R&D: Offering cutting-edge internet technology services to meet diverse customer needs.

四、財務概況 / Financial Overview

公司自成立以來,持續投入研發,取得了顯著的技術突破。目前,Stellar Digital Technology Limited 正處於快速增長階段,預計未來三年內,年收入將達到5000萬美元,淨利潤率保持在20%以上。

Since its establishment, the company has continuously invested in research and development, achieving significant technological breakthroughs. Currently, Stellar Digital Technology Limited is in a rapid growth phase, with expected annual revenue to reach $50 million within the next three years, while maintaining a net profit margin of over 20%.

五、上市目的 / Purpose of IPO

通過在納斯達克上市,Hong Kong Stellar Digital Technology Limited 計劃:




Through the Nasdaq IPO, Stellar Digital Technology Limited plans to:

Fundraising: Raise funds for technology research and development, market expansion, and team building.

Brand Enhancement: Strengthen the company’s global market visibility and influence.

Shareholder Returns: Provide liquidity and capital appreciation opportunities for investors.

六、上市流程 / IPO Process



文件提交:向美國證券交易委員會(SEC)提交 F-1 註冊聲明,披露公司財務和業務信息。




Preparation Stage: Complete company restructuring and hire intermediaries, including accounting firms, law firms, and underwriters.

Due Diligence: Intermediaries will conduct a thorough review of the company to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information disclosed.

Filing: Submit F-1 registration statement to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), disclosing financial and business information.

Roadshow: Organize investor roadshows to introduce the company’s business and future prospects to potential investors.

Pricing and Issuance: Determine the issue price and quantity, officially issuing shares to the market.

Listing and Trading: Officially list the stock on the Nasdaq exchange, and begin trading.

七、風險提示/ Risk Warning


During the IPO process, risks such as market volatility, regulatory changes, and increased competition may arise. The company will take proactive measures to closely monitor market trends to ensure the smooth implementation of the IPO plan.

八、總結 / Conclusion

Hong Kong Stellar Digital Technology Limited 將以此次納斯達克上市為契機,進一步鞏固技術優勢,拓展市場份額,實現公司和股東的共同價值增長。

Stellar Digital Technology Limited will leverage this Nasdaq listing as an opportunity to further solidify its technological advantages, expand market share, and achieve mutual value growth for the company and its shareholders.

聯繫方式 / Contact Information