
致Stellar AI用戶的一封信:近期将加入GPT4聯網功能 - 一起與時俱進! 

由於OpenAI對GPT4模型進行了聯網功能。因此,我們的產品Stellar AI也會在近期加入全新的GPT4聯網功能。

· 產品報告


Stellar AI 加入GPT4聯網功能

親愛的Stellar AI用戶,

我非常榮幸地向您宣布,由於OpenAI對GPT4模型進行了聯網功能。因此,我們的產品Stellar AI也會在近期加入全新的聯網功能,為我們親愛的內地與港澳用戶帶來最先進的AI應用體驗,协助您解决在工作和生活的问题,提高您的工作与生活的质量。

Stellar AI是一款專為亞洲地區設計的香港版集合式AI應用,它包含了AI Chat和AI Drawing等功能,能夠滿足您在不同場景下的需求。

我們很高興地告訴您,Stellar AI已於5月8號全面升級,並開放免費註冊。我们贯彻双免政策(即免费使用、免翻使用),即可立即使用GPT-4、Midjourney-V5和Stable Diffusion等先進的AI模型。此外,如果您邀請一定數量的好友成功註冊了Stellar AI,您還可以解鎖超長上下文長度的GPT-4功能。

為了更好地使用与分享Stellar AI,你可以根据以下簡單的步驟规则,进行操作:

3、登錄後,您將獲得價值5美金的使用額度,可用於Stellar AI的Chat和Drawing功能;(Stellar AI的額度按字消耗,每個字僅需0.002美金。)
4、點擊個人中心或主頁面右上角的分享鏈接,將其分享給您的好友。當好友成功註冊後,您將獲得額外的20美金使用額度,並升級為Stellar Plus會員。(您所邀請的好友數量沒有上限,邀請贈送的金額也是無限的,這意味著您可以無限制地免費使用Stellar AI。此外,當您邀請的好友數量達到一定數量時,您還將獲得進一步的升級。例如:邀請30位好友,您將獲得GPT-4的8K Plus功能;邀請100位好友,您將獲得GPT-4 32K Plus功能。這裡的「K」表示GPT-4模型的上下文總連貫字數,也就是說,隨著上下文的增加,您可以更好地應對大型編程工作或邏輯性要求高的長論文作業等任務。)

我們非常感謝您對Stellar AI的支持和使用,我們將繼續努力打造更便捷、更專業、更貼近用戶需求的AI應用。我們衷心希望您能提供寶貴的改善建議,幫助我們不斷進步。

最後,我代表Stellar AI團隊衷心祝願您工作順利、生活幸福!如果您有任何疑問或需要協助,請隨時與我們聯繫。感謝您的支持!


Victor Lee (CEO)
Stellar AI官网:str.hk

Stellar AI: Imminent Integration of GPT-4 Networking Feature - Experience Advanced AI Applications

Dear Stellar AI User,

I am honored to announce that due to OpenAI's introduction of network connectivity for the GPT-4 model, our product, Stellar AI, will also incorporate this new network feature in the near future. This upgrade is designed to provide our valued Mainland and Hong Kong and Macau users with the most advanced AI application experience, assisting you in resolving issues at work and in your personal life, thereby enhancing your overall quality of life.

Stellar AI is a Hong Kong version of a collective AI application specifically designed for the Asian market, including functionalities like AI Chat and AI Drawing to accommodate various scenarios you may encounter.

I am excited to share that Stellar AI underwent a comprehensive upgrade on May 8th and is now open for free registration. Our dual-free policy (free to use, no VPN required) grants immediate access to advanced AI models like GPT-4, Midjourney-V5, and Stable Diffusion. Moreover, by inviting a certain number of friends to successfully register for Stellar AI, you can unlock the long-context length GPT-4 feature.

To make the most of and share Stellar AI, please follow these simple steps:

1、Open our AI URL in your mobile or computer browser.
2、Click on the personal center to register simply with your email address.
3、Upon login, you will receive a usage quota worth $5, which can be used for Stellar AI's Chat and Drawing features (Stellar AI's quota is consumed per word, with each word costing only $0.002).
4、Click on the share link in your personal center or in the upper right corner of the main page and share it with your friends. Once your friends successfully register, you will receive an additional $20 usage quota and be upgraded to a Stellar Plus member. (There is no limit to the number of friends you can invite, and the invitation gift amount is unlimited, meaning you can use Stellar AI for free indefinitely. Furthermore, when the number of friends you invite reaches a certain level, you will receive further upgrades. For example: inviting 30 friends will grant you access to the GPT-4 8K Plus feature; inviting 100 friends will grant you access to the GPT-4 32K Plus feature. Here, 'K' stands for the total coherent word count of the GPT-4 model. The longer the context, the better you can handle large-scale programming tasks or high-logic long essays.)
5、Please note, false invitations (e.g., registering many fake accounts from the same IP address to gain Plus status, etc.) are not allowed. Violations may result in restrictions on your GPT4 usage by our risk control system.
6、Additionally, we provide another method to obtain consumption amounts for certain customers (for instance, those who find the process of inviting friends too cumbersome, or those who find it inconvenient to invite friends, etc.). Here's the process: Click on the VIP section in your personal center, then click the 'Purchase Card' button. You will be redirected to the Code Purchase Center, where you can select the amount you wish to recharge. After the purchase, you will receive a redemption code. Enter this redemption code in the VIP redemption column to obtain the corresponding amount and membership upgrade.

We are incredibly grateful for your support and use of Stellar AI. We will continue to strive to create more convenient, professional, and user-oriented AI applications. We sincerely hope that you can provide valuable improvement suggestions to help us continually progress.

Lastly, on behalf of the Stellar AI team, I sincerely wish you smooth work and a happy life! If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for your support!

Best regards,
Victor Lee (CEO)
Hong Kong Stellar Digital Technology Limited.
Stellar AI Official Website: str.hk
May 16, 2023