
AI Project: S4 template, multi-modal multi-functional application based on GPT, new commercial version officially launched

S4AI is a SaaS platform that allows your users to use OpenAI Artificial Intelligence technology to generate unique Content & images.

· 產品報告

S4AI is a SaaS platform that allows your users to use

OpenAI Artificial Intelligence technology to generate unique Content & images. It can generate new plagiarism-free content, and improve existing content in multiple languages. Users can also generate Images via OpenAI DALL-E 2 and Stable Diffusion by describing the image. Users can also create a transcription of audio and video files with the Speech to Textfeature via the OpenAi Whisper model. AI Code feature is also available, users can generate code in any programming language with the help of the AI. And with the unique AI Chat feature users can chat with multiple chatbots and AI in real time. The Text to Speech feature via AWS is also available, users can create audio files from any text. A powerful admin panel in S4AI enables you to specify what kind of OpenAI Models (GPT4, GPT3 Turbo, GPT3: Davinci, Curie, Babbage, Ada) you want to allow for each user group. Furthermore, you can create detailed subscription plans with all the features and specifications you want to use. Start your business with this SaaS script and start earning.

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How to install S4 AI

Create a new database on your MySQL server, after unzipping the file you downloaded from CodeCanyon and uploading the contents of the S4AI-CMS-VERSION folder to your server root, usually /path/to/www/ or /path/to/html/ or /path/to/public_html/.

Important: Make sure that .htaccess file got copied properly from the download to main S4AI folder on your server.

Sometimes, Operation systems hide .htaccess file.
Make sure this file is uploaded to your host.

Open your site in the browser.

It will redirect to /install directory (like http://mysite.com to http://mysite.com/install)

  • Step 1: Start installation
  • Step 2: Accept the license agreement of policy and click next.
  • Step 3: Create a database with phpmyadmin.
  • Step 4: Enter all details in the form and click install
  • Step 5: Installation done

All is done Installation completed. click on frontend and enjoy S4AI.

Don't forget to delete the install directory.

After the installation, go to

admin -> settings -> purchase code and verify your purchase code. And to use the AI, go to admin -> API Keys and enter your OpenAI API key.

How to Update S4AI

  • Step 1:- Go to Cpanel Filemanager public_html/admin/uploads
  • Step 2:- Upload here S4AI-CMS-VERSION.zip file (manually upload the zip file in the admin/uploads folder via FTP or Cpanel.)
  • Step 3:- After uploading is completed, Go to admin -> update page.
  • Step 4:- Click on the install button and wait for completion.
  • Step 5:- Done.
  • Note:- If the process does not work then you need to check the below requirements on your server. You can do this on your own using Cpanel, or contact your web host and ask them to increase those limits to a minimum as follows:
  • Memory_limit 512M
  • Post_max_size 512M
  • Upload_max_filesize 512M
  • PHP ZIP extension

Setup OpenAI with QuickAI

You need to set up your OpenAI API keys to use the S4AI script.

Go to admin -> API Keys and here you need to add your OpenAI API keys.

You can find your OpenAI API key

Setup Membership Plans in S4AI

To manage the membership plans, go to admin -> Membership -> Plans. And here you can manage your membership plans.

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Free and trial plans are already available by default. You can edit these plans to change the settings or disable them.

You can specify the OpenAI models for the membership plans. Read more about OpenAI models

Google login configuration

To enable Google Login you just need Google App ID and App Secret.

This is a How to Create Google Developers Console Project.

Note : copy redirect url from Your admin > Setting > Social login setting

After getting App Id and App Secret, you have to setup your admin panel:

  • Go to your Admin panel -> Setting -> Social Login Setting
  • For Google: set 'Google app ID' and 'Google app Secret'

And save your changes.

Facebook login configuration

To enable Facebook Login you just need Facebook App ID and App Secret.

how to get Facebook App ID and App Secret.

Note : copy redirect url from Your admin > Setting > Social login setting

After getting App Id and App Secret, you have to set up your admin panel:

  • Go to your Admin panel -> Setting -> Social Login Setting
  • For Facebook: set 'Facebook App ID' and 'Facebook App Secret'

And save your changes.

Setup Google ReCaptcha in S4AI

To setup the Google ReCaptcha, follow the below steps:

  1. Go to the Google reCAPTCHA and register a new site.
  2. Enter label and select reCAPTCHA v2 -> "I'm not a robot" Checkbox in reCAPTCHA type field.
  3. Enter your domain url.
  4. Accept Terms of Service and click on the Submit button.
  5. Look for the Site Key and Secret Key. And go to admin -> settings -> Google ReCaptcha page and fill the form.

Enable Google reCAPTCHA and click on the

Save button.

How to Manage languages in S4AI

We have a multi-language management tool in our admin panel, here you can add your choice of language and manage it, and you can enable or disable any time. QuickCMS supports all languages.

To add any language you need to go to

Admin panel > Languages.

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How to add a new


You can see Add Language button bottom right corner. click on that to add any new language.

A side panel will open in this form you need to write all details related to the language which you adding

  • Language name - Write here your language name in the text
  • Language Code (ISO 639-1) - Write here your language code ex: en,
  • Direction - Select language direction LTR or RTL  

Active - This is for enabling/disabling the language

How to Edit Languages File in S4AI

How to edit the language file text?

If you want to change any text shown in the frontend and backend, but you think this is not a correct translation and thinking about to change/edit the content then this is the place where you can edit each text of the script, for any language.

Go to admin -> languages and click on the edit language file button in front of the language you want to edit.

You can find any text and edit it. Follow this process for every language.

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Online Demo:

Front: click here to get
Admin Panal: click here to get
APP Demo:: click here to get
Please contact the admin of StellarHK telegram serivce to get the Demo.

Synthetixor AI Team (SG Team)