
“5”丨路飛覺醒五檔丨太陽神形態主題丨致敬熱血青春24載丨Synthetixor AI

路飛覺醒五檔,Synthetixor AI 致敬熱血青春,推出熱血主題!

· 產品報告

2023年8月6日,一個特殊的日子,我們的青春動漫 (One Piece) 路飛5檔將正式上線。這部動漫陪伴我們度過了許多難忘的時光,它的熱血、冒險精神深深地影響了我們。

為了向這部動漫致敬,我們決定將Synthetixor AI 的紫色飛龍形態下線,並上線全新的主題設計內容:白銀5檔太陽神形態

Synthetixor AI是我們的專屬AI應用,它擁有AI Chat、AI Drawing、AI Mapping、AI Writing和AI Reading等多元功能,能夠幫助用戶解決生活、學術、工作、研究和創作等領域的問題。我們的初衷是讓更多人用上最先進的AI工具,幫助他們提高工作生成力。


我們將在Synthetixor AI的界面設計上融入5檔太陽神形態的元素,讓用戶在使用我們的產品時,能夠感受到那份熱血和冒險的精神。我們將抽取5檔的角色特點和場景元素作為部分圖片,並將主題色調設定為太陽神形態的主色調白銀色。

我們的AI團隊中,很多成員是One Piece粉絲! 本主題是為致敬我們熱愛的熱血漫畫OnePiece,它陪伴我們走過24載。它的熱血、冒險精神深深地影響了我們。



路飛覺醒五檔,Synthetixor AI 致敬熱血青春,推出熱血主題!


August 6, 2023, is a special day, as our youth anime (One Piece) Luffy's 5th gear will officially launch. This anime has accompanied us through many unforgettable times, and its passion and adventurous spirit have deeply influenced us.

To pay tribute to this anime, we have decided to take Synthetixor AI's Purple Dragon form offline and launch a brand new theme designed as: 5th Gear Sun God Form.

Synthetixor AI is our exclusive AI application, boasting diverse features such as AI Chat, AI Drawing, AI Mapping, AI Writing, and AI Reading. It can assist users in solving problems in life, academics, work, research, and creativity. Our original intention is to enable more people to use the most advanced AI tools to enhance their work productivity.

Design of the Silver 5th Gear Theme

We will incorporate elements of the 5th Gear Sun God Form into the interface design of Synthetixor AI, allowing users to feel that passion and adventurous spirit when using our product. We will extract character traits and scene elements from the 5th Gear as part of the images, and set the theme's color tone to the Sun God Form's main color of silver.

Many members of our AI team are One Piece fans! This theme is a tribute to our beloved passionate manga One Piece, which has accompanied us for 24 years. Its passion and adventurous spirit have deeply influenced us.

Since we do not have authorization from the copyright holder, we will not have any copyrighted content, but will create a theme design that is similar without infringing on copyrights. We hope the new passionate Sun God Nika theme will help everyone use AI more efficiently and energetically!

This action is purely out of love and tribute. If there are any infringements, please contact us!

Synthetixor AI